Winter Wonderland

Snowflakes and icicles, pine trees and snow drifts, powdery footprints and intensely quiet beauty. 
The Swiss Alps.


Even the Klosters locals are murmuring about records being set as the amount of white stuff around is incredible!  The mountain runs are closed due to dangerous conditions, but we silly Sydney-siders are beside ourselves with awe at simply going for walks through the snow, riding a sled down a hill and just marveling at our surreal surroundings.

Yesterday, Lesley prepared a traditional Swiss ‘Raclette’ meal for lunch at which Claudia (our friend and Brian’s cousin from Winterthur) joined us.  Bruce and I are being so spoilt as Lesley is such a superb chef, we are going to be rolling down those slippery slopes in the next few days.  There is some sun forecast in a few days’ time which means we may be able to try our hand (or legs) at skiing again – it’s been a while.

Today, Sunday, 8 January, 2012 – Happy Birthday Mum!  It’s also Harrison’s birthday today and we set off to Davos (the highest town in Europe) which is 30mins south by train from Klosters to watch the local Ice Hockey game.  It was a nail-biter but the good guys won in extra time.  A fitting birthday present for Harrison.


  • Anonymous says:

    Hi Mary and Bruce,


    This is my first opportunity to read your blog. Looks like you guys are having a wonderful time and as usual the photo’s are capturing your amazing travels.


    • Mary & Bruce says:

      Hi Jagoda, great to hear from you. Thanks for your comment – we are having a fantastic time. I hope you enjoyed Perth and you’re making the most of your holidays. Sorry for the delay in replying as I’ve only just found your comment!! We’re now in Italy and loving it, but haven’t got around to blogging about it yet. You’ll be here before you know it on your BIG trip!!

      Take care, Mary x

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