Honolulu here we come!

Hawaii at long last…

On the Plane

Leaving a cool and damp Sydney was no great hardship and apart from an active and loudly verbal 3-year-old seated (sometimes) directly behind us we arrived in Honolulu having enjoyed more than a few hours sleep.

20150418_080059Cranky-looking customs officials awaited us, however, we hit the jackpot with a very happy official who enjoyed a joke! Honolulu… Sunny, 27 degrees, with a strong cool breeze.

Our pre-arranged driver was nowhere to be found. A phone call, a 10-minute wait and an excuse of heavy traffic later, we were collected and deposited at the Outrigger Reef Resort in Waikiki 30 minutes later. Alohas all round – what a lovely musical language. The Hawaiians obviously have an obsession with vowels!


First impressions of Waikiki… colour, heat, crowds, touristy (duh) – no surprises (the ‘Surfers on steroids’ seems to be quite accurate). My favourite colour is turquoise and this colour (in many different shades) is the ocean – stunning! Of course, the ocean is like a magnet and we enjoyed our warm swims, once we’d navigated our way around the rocks.

IMG_7440We found a tiny little beach (with many less rocks) with a shady tree. This beautiful spot also happened to be a docking area for the local catamaran charters. We got used to moving out of the way when we heard the conch shell horn.

IMG_7452I’m writing this as we’re waiting at Honolulu airport for our flight to Maui and looking back over our 2 days in Waikiki, I can say that it is an interesting place and I look forward to exploring it further on our return and doing some tours. The locals are talkative, helpful, friendly and very, very polite!



IMG_7476Highlights so far… the ocean ofcourse, but also the wonderful local Hawaiian musicians, their pretty music and the expressive hands (and smiles) of the hula dancers.

Please note: Only two cocktails so far… a Pina Colada (thinking of you both Steph & Jayne!!) and a Mai Tai (Bree, that one was for you! I agree with your Mum, they are quite strong J)

Turtle count: 0IMG_7449


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